
Workflow of resting state connectivity from a raw dataset to longitudinal visualization

To aim of this project was to provide a full neuroimaging workflow from preprocessing of raw data to visualisation of results, to explore longitudinal analysis between two treatments in this dataset and to visualise resting-state networks linked to the default mode network and attention. In my github repository you will find scripts and documentation about the the BIDS to NiFTY conversion, fMRI prep as well as resting-state visualisation of a single participant. There is also a powerpoint presentation slide to guide you through the work.

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Can we classify men and women based on the connectivity profile of their language network?

Sex differences in the language network is a long lasting and unresolved debate in the neuroscience field. Clinical studies have shown that pathologies or developmental conditions affecting language functions can differently affect individuals based on their sex. Although the language network is bilaterally organized, the left hemisphere is dominant for language in most individuals. However, this lateralisation tends to vary between sexes.In the present project, we address the research question on whether young adults present differences in the pattern of rs-fMRI functional connectivity within the language network based on their sex. To address this issue, we propose to determine whether we can classify healthy young adults, men and women, based on their rs-fMRI functional connectivity profiles within the language network.

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